Friday, October 14, 2022

Comics Sessions in November at MAPACA

I'm pleased to announce the the Medieval Comics Project is sponsoring another session on medieval-themed comics at this year's meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association to be held online 10-12 November 2022. Access to the conference is through paid registration. Full details are available at MAPACA's website accessible from this link

Here the the session details:

Comics and Medieval Studies: Reflections on the Field in Commemoration of the 85th Anniversary of Prince Valiant


Friday, November 11, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm (The Paper Nautilus)


Comics in Medievalist Research and Teaching: Pitfalls and Possibilities

Michael A Torregrossa (Independent scholar)

Reworkings of Arthurian Legend in Comics: Positive Change and Perpetuation of Isms

Rachael Kathleen Warmington (Seton Hall University)

Horrible Hags and Villainous Vixens: Visual images of Female Villains in Medieval Comics

Diana Vecchio (Widener University)

Session chair

Scott Manning (Independent scholar)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Comics Sessions at ICSM This Month

Two sessions on medieval-themed comics (one sponsored by us and one independent of us) this month at the International Conference for the Study of Medievalism, a hybrid event hosted by Appalachian State University. The main page for the conference with information on registration and full program can be accessed by clicking this link. Do reach out if you have any issues. Please support both sessions if you can.

Friday, 10/21, at 2-3:30 PM EDT (virtual session)

*XII. Session: Making Comics Matter: A Celebration of Medieval-Themed Comics in Honor of the 85th Anniversary of Prince Valiant.

Sponsored by Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture

Presider: Michael Torregrossa, Independent Scholar
Richard Scott Nokes, Troy University, “Beowulf Comic Books as a Critique of Academia”
Carl Sell, Lock Haven University, “Arthuriana Post-Arthur: DC’s Demon Knights and the Extension of the Matter of Britain”
Rachael Warmington, Seton Hall University, From Swords to Lasers: The Evolving Arthurian Mythos in Comics and Graphic Novels
Iain A. MacInnes, University of the Highlands and Islands, “Comic Depictions of The Hundred Years’ War”

Saturday, 10/22, at 9-10:30 AM EDT (hybrid session)

XIX. Comics/Graphic Novels

Presider: Craig Fisher Appalachian State University
Karen Casebier, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga “Merlin’s Pseudo-Brythonic Prehistory in Merlin, the Graphic Novel
*Karl Fugelso, Towson University, “Direct and Indirect Validation in Green Dante/Green Virgil #1”
*Michael A. Torregrossa, Independent Scholar, “Arthuriana vs. the Axis Powers Revisited: Turning the Spotlight on American Comics of World War II
*Holly Aldridge, Appalachian State University, “The Fantastic Misadventure of Hawthorne and Bells”

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Coming Soon from McFarland: Beowulf in Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Beowulf in Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Not Yet Published

New 2022 Pre-Order

Available for pre-order at

Richard Scott Nokes
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Bibliographic Info: ca. 24 photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2022
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8778-0
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4842-2
Imprint: McFarland

Richard Scott Nokes is a professor of medieval literature at Troy University in Troy, Alabama. His previous published research has focused on popular medievalism and manuscript culture.